Available Services
Sample Reduction by Quartering (Water Content)
Sample Reduction by Quartering (Grading)
Testing for Water Content
Particle size distribution
Flakiness Index
Percentage of Crushed & Broken surfaces in Coarse Aggregate
Percentage of Shells in Coarse Aggregate
Constituents of Coarse Recycled Aggregates
Particle Density and Water Absorption for Aggregates 63mm – 31.5mm
Particle Density and Water Absorption for Aggregates 31.5mm – 4mm
A Particle Density and Water Absorption for Aggregates 4mm – 0.063mm
Moisture Content (Oven Drying Method)
Liquid limit – cone penetrometer (definitive method) BS 1377-2:1990
Liquid Limit – cone penetrometer (one-point method) BS 1377-2:1990
Plastic limit BS 1377-2:1990
Plasticity index and liquidity index BS 1377-2:1990
Particle size distribution- wet sieving BS 1377-2:1990
Particle size distribution- dry sieving BS 1377-2:1990
Particle Density – gas jar method BS 1377-2:1990
Saturated moisture content of chalk BS 1377-2:1990
Dry density / moisture content relationship (2.5kg rammer) BS 1377-4:1990
Dry density / moisture content relationship (4.5kg rammer) BS 1377-4:1990
Dry density / moisture content relationship (Vibrating Hammer) BS 1377-4:1990
MCV / moisture content Relationship BS 1377-4:199
Preparation of Samples For Binder Content & Grading
Preparation of Samples For Water Content
PRD (Percentage Refusal Density) - Vibratory Compaction
Air Void Content
Maximum Density (Volumetric Procedure)
Bulk Density of Cores (Dry Method)
Bulk Density of Cores (Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) Method)
Bulk Density of Cores (Sealed Specimen Method)
Measurement of Layer Thickness, Visual Examination & Description of Bituminous Core Samples (Core Logging)